Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re-Nest "Green Architect" Blog Competition

In an earlier post I mentioned that I am competing to become a "Green Architect" blogger for Re-Nest, an online home decor magazine. Well, they just posted my second article entitled "Go Green, Save Green". Check it out. Comments are more than welcome.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

GreenHab is a Semi-Finalist! Please Show Your Support and Vote

Link: Which company do you consider most deserves to be amongst the five finalists of the Idea CafĂ©’s Eighth Small Business Grant?

GreenHab is a semi-finalist for a small business grant! We can definitely use the funds and are really excited to make it this far. Please help us and show your support by going to the link above and voting. Registration is required, but you can opt-out at any time (a confirmation e-mail is all I've received from them since registering in June). Voting closes on November 1st so please, get those votes out. Thank you!

You can also read more about us on the Idea Cafe's blog and cast your vote there.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Great News for California on Blog Action Day- AB 758 Passed!

Last month I wrote about Assembly Bill 758 and how it would require the California Energy Commission to develop and implement a comprehensive program to achieve greater energy savings in existing buildings by March 2010. I also asked that you send a letter to support this bill and urge Governor Schwarzenegger to sign.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

West Coast Green Innovations

**UPDATE Oct 14, 2009: This article has been submitted to Re-Nest for their "Green Architect" blog competition. Please check it out here

I'm back from the West Coast Green conference held in San Francisco this weekend and I'm so excited to share with you some of the great innovations out there. The top three that really caught my eye are: