Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re-Nest "Green Architect" Blog Competition

In an earlier post I mentioned that I am competing to become a "Green Architect" blogger for Re-Nest, an online home decor magazine. Well, they just posted my second article entitled "Go Green, Save Green". Check it out. Comments are more than welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rachel,

    I came across your site while looking for some logos. I'm right there with you on buiding / designing and investing in a better future. If you're still involved with online, "green" architecture / blogging shoot me an email. It would be good to connect.

    Check out two of my sites - www.andrewhilton.com

    www.eco-realestateeducation.com (this one is geared more towards green-habbing, as your blog lists).

